15822642_1385795951444419_7215344047874663105_nJesus heals simply a blind man as he walks past him. It is a great message to us that we should not walk past, where we can do something good.

The Pharisees could not accept the healing, because it had happened on the Sabbath. For only a false prophet could do such a thing on the Sabbath.

To see and help others, to see and understand what we humans are to be, is the beautiful call, we have received from God.

But many people’s blindness lies in the fact that they will not see the need of others. They have enough in themselves; their whole life is a circle about themselves and their own interests.

We thank God for what we can see and understand. Above all, we cannot live without faith in God’s mercy and God repeatedly intervenes in our lives and helps us every moment, even though we do not notice it.

Our only prayer is to ‘give us even more vision, even more understanding so that I can love and help others even more.